The Essex Local Dental Committee
Useful Links
Useful links to other sites where you will find more information about Primary Care Dentistry and guidance for your clinical practice
FDI World Dental Federation serves as the principal representative body for more than one million dentists worldwide, developing health policy and continuing education programmes, speaking as a unified voice for dentistry in international advocacy and supporting member associations in global oral health promotion activities. is for dentists and dental professionals to discuss all aspects of their profession, their practice and their business, centred on the UK. Subjects dissected have been diverse, from tips on simple techniques to guidance on buying major equipment, to discussions on the various practice management software packages, and of ongoing developments in British dental politics.
The General Dental Council (GDC) is the UK-wide statutory regulator for dentists and DCPs.
Taking part in conference is a great opportunity for dentists, young and old, from every region to be proactive in finding new ways to improve dentists’ working lives and to facilitate us all to do the best for our patients.Coming to conference you get the chance to challenge the status quo and step out of your comfort zone.If you have strong feelings on any aspect of dentistry - please let your voice be heard!
For information about NHS dental charges, please visit the NHS website by following this link.
Supporting GPs to deliver safe, compassionate, high-quality care to their patients.
Formerly the British Dental Health Foundation. The Oral Health Foundation is an independent charity (not for profit) dedicated to improving oral health and wellbeing around the world. For more than 45 years we have continued to provide expert, independent and impartial advice on all aspects of oral health directly to those who need it most.