You can access the following reports here:
Joint initiative on smoking cessation in dental practices in EssexEssex Wellbeing Service is looking to work with dental providers in Essex to provide training for all members of the dental team around:
current government smoking cessation initiatives
how to give patients very brief advice
how to refer patients to their service for support.
It will include vaping - see: EoE ADPD Vaping position statement.pdfThe webinar will be via Teams/Zoom and invitations will be sent in due course.CPD certificates for attendees will be available.
Recruitment of Managed Clinical Network Chairs, NHSE East of England
NHS England is seeking to recruit Managed Clinical Network (MCN) Chairs for the following domains within NHS dentistry in the East of England region. The roles are initially for 10 months from 3rd June 2024 to 31 March 2025. Remuneration is at £192.30 per session. MCN Chairs will either be employed for tax and national insurance purposes (EFTP) directly by NHS England or contracted via a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with your substantive employer.
• Orthodontics (2 sessions/7hrs)
(We will consider joint applications for 1 session each)
• Dental Care Professional (1 session/3.5hrs)
NHS England has established an MCN across various parts of NHS dentistry in the East of England region which links clinicians across all settings to provide patient-centred care throughout the clinical pathway, including improving clinical effectiveness, equity of access, efficiency and parity of outcome. These MCNs will be part of a wider team which will work under the guidance of the Regional Chief Dentist for the East of England.
It will be the responsibility of the Chair of each MCN to oversee its functioning within the said Terms of Reference published by NHS England - East of England, which will require close communication with identified clinicians from all aspects of dentistry who have successfully applied and been appointed to the Network. The role of the MCNs, through the leadership of the Chairs will be to ensure high quality NHS patient care in an equitable manner across the country through close working with the Regional Chief Dentist.
This is an excellent opportunity to further develop the work undertaken thus far and enhance the roles of each of the specialties. If you have the leadership and management skills which will help us to improve patient experience and dental care across all aspects of dentistry, please send an expression of interest (no longer than 500 words and specifying which MCN) along with your CV to by Midday on Wednesday, 8th May 2024. Shortlisted candidates will be informed by 14th May 2024. Interviews will take place week commencing 20th May 2024.
Please see the attached Role Description, Person Specification and MCN Terms of Reference for further information. MCN Chair Advertisement Email 2024 FINAL Version 290424.pdfMCN Chair Role Description and Person Spec FINAL Version 070324.pdfMCN ToR Final Version 070324.pdf
If you would like more information or an informal discussion about any of these roles, please contact or directly.
British Fluoridation Society
BFS is helping to deliver a national webinar supporting expansion of community water fluoridation in the North East.This is free to all and accessible for non dental team members so a great opportunity to engage with a wider audience.
Essay Prize-winners
Here are the links to the prize-winning entries for the 2023 BFS essay competition
Kind regards,
Clint Foreman
(Asst. Sec. Essex LDC)