Dental Care Professionals - Changes to FP17 Claim Submissions
Leadership Fellows Introductions from Veni Cochrane
I would like to introduce the senior leadership fellows working with the LDN and contracted by Mid and South Essex, Suffolk and North East Essex and Norfolk and Waveney ICBs.
We will work on a number of projects together for these ICBs as well as supporting the LDN.
If a fellow contact is needed for these regions, they are as follows:
MSE - Georg Schnellinger:
SNEE - Veni Cochrane:
NW - Rachel Doogan:
Louise Brooks:
We will be looking to circulate an LDN newsletter in the near future - if there are any updates you would like included in this please let us know.
Kind regards,
Clint Foreman
(Asst. Sec. Essex LDC)