Dear colleague,
Please see the messages below from the Mid and South Essex ICB:
Recovery of under-performance
The BSA letter does have the following statement for those contracts which under-performed and shows the value of the total debt - The value of your undelivered activity will be recovered in the instalments detailed below. This will commence with your Compass payment on 1 October 2023 (September schedule). Detailing the initial total debt. The initial instalment and the 2 subsequent instalments.
We will extend repayment of under-performance to the 31st March 2024. Written requests for repayment extension must be sent to BSA by 12th October 2023 to allow for sufficient time for the adjustment to be amended on Compass.
UDC Practices quarter 1 2022
David Barter and Jackie Graham to send email to NHS England regarding points raised by those present at the meeting relating to quarter 1 2022 for UDC practices. However the final decision will be made by NHS England and not ICB. NHS England is aware of the of those practices that were UDC for quarter 1.
Compass is available to all contractors and practice managers; Compass should be regularly reviewed to ensure accurate contractual/performance/performer/services data information.
The ICB manage Compass for NHS England.
Providers have responsibility to ensure activity is regularly reconciled. Errors and omissions are investigated and report to the BSA in timely manner, which would allow accurate information to be recorded and included in the year-end letter.
Where there has been a change/amendment to a service line, providers are reminded to check Compass to ensure changes are as expected and in line with the contract variation signed by the contract holder and the ICB board.
Any errors or omissions need to be dealt with in a timely manner so avoid additional work at year-end but also provider accurate performance data to the provider.
Kind regards, Clint Foreman (Asst. Sec. Essex LDC)