LDC Meeting 2.12.24.
The report and recording link can be found here (login required)
Head and Neck Suspected Cancer
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Message from MSE ICB regarding the letter from Director of Primary Care approving 110% Dental contract delivery in 2024-25:
Further to our email sent on the 16th of August and the attached letter from the Director of Primary Care for Mid and south Essex ICB:
At the LDC meeting held on Monday 2nd December there was a point raised regarding the payment mechanism for providers achieving up to 110% of baseline contracted activity on UDA and UOA contracts.
I can confirm that this can only be actioned when we have the final BSA year-end figures/reports, providers will then receive the contract year-end letter detailing performance and be given the opportunity to review the content of the letters. We will then be able to instruct the BSA to make payments for those providers who have achieved up to a maximum of 110%.
The BSA manage the year-end process nationally. The ICB are dependent on the timeline provided by the BSA. The BSA have not published the timeline for the 24/25 year-end. Therefore, we do not have any further information at this point to share with providers.
Once the BSA have published the timescales for the year-end publication of the process/reports/letters we can advise providers of the payment date.
Dental team at Mid and South Essex: Dental.mse@nhs.net
Kind regards,
Clint Foreman
(Assist. Sec. Essex LDC)