NHS Profile
During the 3 month period ending March 31st 2024, 65 practices in MSE did not update their domains.Even if there is no change, it is still necessary to enter the system and update.(Please note that this is for the practice profile and not for personal NHS accounts.)
The following advice has been received from MSE :We are emailing you in relation to the Contractual obligation to ensure your NHS Profile information (every section) on the NHS.uk Directory of Services is updated/confirmed each quarter, even if no changes have occurred. Thank you to those who have already updated and/or confirmed their NHS website profile information this quarter.If your information has not been updated and/or confirmed in this quarter, please note that the deadline for confirming your data for this quarter was 31 March 2024. You need to update or confirm your profile information every quarter - even if there are no changes - for each of the following sections:
accepting new NHS patients
contact details
opening times
Guidance and further information on how to use this service and further information can be found on the previous shared link here:Dental practices to confirm NHS website information by 30 September 2023 | NHSBSA If you have any questions concerning your NHS website profile, please email nhswebsite.servicedesk@nhs.net.Dental team at Mid and South Essex (M&S): Dental.mse@nhs.net
Website: www.midandsouthessex.ics.nhs.uk
Twitter: @MSEssex_ICS | Facebook: MSEICS | Instagram: @MSEssex_ICS
* Please note that this advice also applies to dentists in SNEE and HWE
Kind regards,
Clint Foreman
(Asst. Sec. Essex LDC)