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LDC update

Dear colleague,

Re:Non-recurrent funding for activity outside of contracted hours

There has been some confusion about the patients that can be treated under this initiative, as well as the oral health assessment (OHA).

The commissioners have confirmed that patients can be seen who require stabilisation that will preclude more complicated treatment in the future, and accept that this may mean multiple visits in some cases.

With regard to the OHA, the commissioners are happy to provide clarity when assessing submissions received.

Although the deadline for submissions has passed, the commissioners have confirmed that the initiative is ‘evergreen’, and that submissions will still be considered during February and March 2022.

Consequently, if you find that you can entertain some 'outside of contracted hours' sessions within the next two months, you can still send a submission to


Please read the letter regarding OPG x-rays and see the list of Secondary Care Dental providers below:

Cambridge University Hospital Foundation Trust (Addenbrookes)

James Paget University Hospital NHS Trust

Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital

Queen Elizabeth Hospital Kings Lynn

ESNEFT East Suffolk and North Essex Foundation Trust

Ipswich and Colchester Hospitals

Bedford Hospital NHS Trust

Luton and Dunstable University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

Milton Keynes University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

Princess Alexandra Hospital NHS Trust

East and North Hertfordshire NHS Trust

West Hertfordshire Hospitals NHS Trust

Basildon and Thurrock University Hospital NHS Trust

Southend University Hospital Foundation Trust

Mid Essex Hospital NHS Trust

Kind regards,

Clint Foreman

(Asst. Sec. Essex LDC)

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