LDC Meeting
The next LDC meeting will be held on Monday 3rd February 2025 and will be online only. Recent surveys suggest that practitioners are fearful of the GDC and how their regulatory work involves Fitness to Practice.A short presentation will be given by Chris Roome showing data and experience to support a more positive perspective.The presentation also allows for a better understanding of how the FtP process works, who is vulnerable (statistically) and suggestions on how we might best protect ourselves.
SNEE Invitation to Workforce Workshops
Thursday 23 January 2025 1-2pm -
Understanding the current state
What are the current workforce challenges?
What is your priority area?
Thursday 13 February 2025 1-2pm - Designing the workforce
What would the workforce of the future look like for you?
What would be your priority focus?
Wednesday 26 February 2025 1-2pm - How do we get there?
What support do you need?
What could be done easily in the short term?
What might take a little longer but have more sustainable outcomes?
Please book via Wioletta Krysiak at dental@snee.nhs.uk who will email the joining link the day before the meeting. If you are unable to attend any meetings, recordings of the sessions will be available as well as a written summary.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SNEE December Dental Newsletter
Smoking Cessation Advice
Happy Birthday
Our Secretary, Tony Clough, will reach the venerable age of 70 on 29th December 2024, and the Committee Officials would like to wish him 'Many Happy Returns'.
Merry Christmas and HNY
Clint Foreman
(Asst. Sec. Essex LDC)